How to lose 200 pounds?

hello everyone. now before we even start PLEASE dont waist YOUR time with childish hurtful rude remarks.
I have a friend who weights 350-380. She is 5'10 45 years old. When she was 19 she was ran over. They stopped ontop of her right leg/foot/ankel area held the break & hit the gas,digging out the flesh.
She was left with a sever nerve injury to that whole area. It hindered her walking or standing very long.
As she got a little older she was told by 2 different foot doctors that she had giant fish hook shaped heel spurs in both feet & that the ligaments were pulling from the bone & her feet were collapsing. 

She then developed osteo in both knees & has a sever problem with the nerve in her left hip to where she can be walking & it basicly paralizes her all of a sudden in mid walk.
She suffers from ALOT of physical pain. She as alot do turned to food for comfert esp as she lost friends due to she couldnt go out with them etc as before. Her husband was a abusive alcoholic for many years.
Thank GOD he turned his life around. So, how does someone like this who would love to exersize do it when it is so painful?
She has no insurance to pay for a doctor to help her & the health dept surley wont as they dont even invest in a bariatric scale for larger patients.
She cant afford to join the Y where they have a pool plus the water pressure after aprox 10-15 min sends cramps into that right foot. She would LOVE the gastric bypass surgery where maybe shed get a jump on it to where it wasnt so painful to exersize. But she dosent have $17k so any advice? Reember it isnt 10-20 or even 50 pounds she needs to lose it is 200.

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